UControl support forum
 A Bug....? 02.01.2002 (02:08) |CcK|DuckT8pe
Hi all.

This si the first time i used this UControl (beta4) and it is very good. However, whenever I try and get a reporter into my irc channel, it says this and disconnects.

:irc2.quakenet.org 513 |cck|report :your client may not be compatible with this server.
:irc2.quakenet.org 513 |cck|report :compatible clients are available at ftp://ftp.undernet.org/pub/irc/clients
error :closing link: |cck|report by irc2.de.quakenet.org (ping timeout for |cck|report[host213-121-71-127.surfport24.v21.co.uk])

The server i try to connect to is irc.quakenet.org with the channel #cck

Thanks, Duck
 Re: A Bug....? 02.01.2002 (02:27) |CcK|DuckT8pe
 Re: A Bug....? 02.01.2002 (07:42) path
 Re: A Bug....? 02.01.2002 (07:35) path
 Re: A Bug....? 02.01.2002 (13:31) Unbekannt
 Re: A Bug....? 02.01.2002 (13:36) path
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