UControl support forum
 Show skins? 15.01.2002 (19:41) CyberKef
Here me again :D

I looked at the tech-page from EpicGames (yes, I know, I'm curious) to look what they say about server querying [Link entfernt, weil Linkziel leider nicht mehr verfügbar]... I think you used this page to built your program, but if you didn't, it can help you (I think :S)

I saw there is a value to see the skin of the player. I thought it is a cool item as extra information...

I said it before and I'll say it again:

This program really kicks ass!!!
 Show more? 15.01.2002 (20:32) Cyberkef
 Re: Show more? 16.01.2002 (07:12) Unbekannt
 Show much more! 16.01.2002 (11:05) CyberKef
 Re: Show much more! 16.01.2002 (12:50) path
 Re: Show much more! 16.01.2002 (13:40) CyberKef
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