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 Forum für Strickstrumpfhosen, Strumpfhosen und alles was dazugehört
 dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 11.09.2009 (09:11 Uhr) Christian
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 17.09.2009 (16:57 Uhr) Stricky
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 21.10.2009 (23:34 Uhr) Unbekannt
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 18.09.2009 (08:03 Uhr) Holger
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 18.09.2009 (17:48 Uhr) Lycra3D
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 24.09.2009 (12:09 Uhr) Wollschaf
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 24.09.2009 (21:36 Uhr) Sabrina
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 27.09.2009 (15:19 Uhr) Robby
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 30.09.2009 (08:12 Uhr) Sauerländer
 re pit 15.10.2009 (18:07 Uhr) gay
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 03.10.2009 (00:09 Uhr) schneetittchen
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 23.07.2011 (10:35 Uhr) Unbekannt
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 16.10.2009 (18:59 Uhr) Anonymus
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? [ohne Text] 07.11.2009 (15:51 Uhr) der Faker
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? [ohne Text] 21.04.2011 (04:39 Uhr) jenewsFep
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 30.06.2011 (00:47 Uhr) Johnny Lahar
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? [ohne Text] 22.04.2011 (04:11 Uhr) moroIcotofe
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 30.06.2011 (00:48 Uhr) Johnny Lahar
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 30.06.2011 (00:50 Uhr) Johnny Lahar
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? [ohne Text] 24.04.2011 (01:18 Uhr) NuHGutletit
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 30.06.2011 (00:52 Uhr) Johnny Lahar
That I came from a very far country, as I already had attempted to tell him, with about fifty more of my own species; that we traveled upon the seas, in a great hollow vessel made of wood, and larger than his Honor's house. I described the ship to him in the best terms I could, and explained by the help of my handkerchief displayed, how it was driven forward by the wind. That upon a quarrel among us, I was set on shore on this coast, where I walked forward without knowing whither, till he delivered me from the persecution of those execrable Yahoos. He asked me who made the ship, and how it was possible that the Houyhnhnms of my country would leave it to the management of brutes? My answer was that I dare proceed no further in my relation, unless he would give me his word and honor that he would not be offended, and then I would tell him the wonders I had so often promised. He agreed; and I went on by assuring him that the ship was made by creatures was myself, who in all the countries I had traveled, as well as in my own, were the only governing, rational animals; and that upon my arrival here I was as much astonished to see the Houyhnhnms act like rational beings, as he or his friends could be finding some marks of reason in a creature he was pleased to call a Yahoo, to which I owned my resemblance in every part, but could not account for their degenerate and brutal nature. I said farther that if good fortune ever restored me to my native country, to relate my travels here, as I resolved to do, everybody would believe that I said the thing which was not; that I invented the story out of my own head; and with all possible respect to himself, his family and friends, and under his promise of not being offended, our countrymen would hardly think it probable, that a Houyhnhnm should be the presiding creature of a nation, and a Yahoo the brute.

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 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 11.11.2009 (20:44 Uhr) Unbekannt
 Re: dieses Jahr wieder C&A-Herrenstrumpfhosen? 30.06.2011 (00:53 Uhr) Johnny Lahar
 Pep in München 16.07.2011 (06:29 Uhr) Giss
 Re: Pep in München 16.07.2011 (21:21 Uhr) john
 das brauche ich 20.07.2011 (22:44 Uhr) unbekannt
 nie wieder c&a Strumpfhosen 22.07.2011 (18:59 Uhr) Unbekannt
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