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Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

Die bewährte Blutdruck-App
 UControl support forum
Well, here me again :)

> But actually I thought displaying those 3 values only would cost space.

Isn't it possible to add something in the program to select a player [this isn't possible yet, is it??] (or more players...) in the playerlist from a server, then double-click on his name, and you get all that extra space-stealing info in a nice box/table separated from the current program-interface.

Maybe you can work this out so you can monitor a player (for example a friend), instead of watching the whole table. If you don't want to see it, you just have not to double-click on his name!

In this box you can really work something cools out: ranking in the game, frags (is it possible to show the number suicides, how much he killed, how much he was killed apart?), team, health, weapon, spree, the map he is playing in, the server he is playing on, game-type, ... And then just watch this box instead of the match...

And when you want to monitor more players (3 for ex), just put all this info into another table into this box.

I would find it cool to see what my mates are doing in UT... But I suppose here we face something you were working on (finding players on the servers). When your friend plays on another server, another map, you can see it then in the box (maybe a little sound to warn you then, when he changes :D).

I think this idea is cool without being impossible. I suppose it's just a little bit more programming... :D

I hope you can see what I mean, it's rather difficult to explain something in a language that isn't mine!
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