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Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

 m.Edge's diary

 supplement 14.04.2003 (16:42 Uhr) m.Edge
Yesterday I went waching 'Dreamcatcher' with my girlfriend. Good film, but not that great than I expected. That day I was so fucking drunk due to the party on Saturday. Fuck me.
Today I am cleaning our studio and working on the website. The great weather makes it hard, but I think I'll finish everything I have to do.
For Oddball leaving the band, there are some words to say.
I am very glad that this leaving was one without any anger. Odd smiled at us while telling us the news. Sure, I (and I think all of the members)was shocked, but by overthinking that it might be the best for him, if he couldn't feel well anymore, it is the best solution.

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