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45 User im System
Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

 PSY Kaffeeklatsch

 @ GeneralPortion!! 12.07.2000 Dad
I read your thread in the forum, and what is posted in there, that sounds arrogant to me!!
I never have offended you or done anything else to you when being in PSY. Nobody of us!
We knew that you would build up your own clan in the future and it was the best thing for you to do this now! But we never offended you in your time being a PSY!
> I read your thread in the forum, and what is posted in there, that sounds
> arrogant to
> me!!

Hmm thats strange...what does it say? I can no longer tell. Cause I cant see it. Somebody changed the text or what? They must have.

Nobody in my clan thinks it was an arrogant post. Nobody ive showned it to thinks it deserved the answer it got.



 Re: 12.07.2000 GeneralPortion
Nahh basicly...

fuck it...

its just an old habbit coming to this homepage...I dont want to spend time with this shit anymore...

Shutting doors now,


*GeneralPortion is gone forever!!!!!
 Kein Betreff [ohne Text] 12.07.2000 Unbekannt
Of course I had to delete ur internal section and internal forum accounts.

I think u and Dad missunderstood each others postings, so better leave it as it is.


and GL to you! :-)

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