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(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

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 UControl support forum
 show exact TeamScore 06.01.2002 (23:01) Goldeneye
 Re: show exact TeamScore 07.01.2002 (09:48) path
> there is a mod for ut that sends the teamscore out with
> the other playerinfo, it was somewhere @
> http://www.planetunreal.com/utwatcher. perhaps you could
> implement this optional for server that have this mod
> installed.

Wow, hey,
I never heard 'bout that one before also I had it lying on my hdd for months. :P
I WILL support this mod in the next release, cause it makes even my life easier. I will make it an option so you'll be able to chose whether you want to use it or not.

Very good hint man, really.

Do you have some IPs of servers running this mod for me?
This might make my life easier while implementing it into UControl.

Thx, Path
 Re: show exact TeamScore 09.01.2002 (14:24) Unbekannt
 Re: show exact TeamScore 10.01.2002 (09:56) path
 Re: show exact TeamScore 11.01.2002 (00:01) Unbekannt
 Re: show exact TeamScore 11.01.2002 (07:11) path
 Re: show exact TeamScore 17.01.2002 (18:58) Goldeneye
 Re: show exact TeamScore 18.01.2002 (10:32) path
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