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Ziegler & Partner GmbH - Sprachreisen Russland
Offizieller Vertreter der Lomonosov Universität

Orzens 42, CH-1095 Lutry-Lausanne

 Reservierung von Campingplätzen 15.05.2007 (20:51 Uhr) jarno 
Wir wollen im Juli/August in die Etosha-Pfanne und in die Susuvlei. Müssen wir die Campingplätze reservieren? und wenn ja, wie lange im voraus? Gibt es gute Tips außer den staatlichen Camps?
 Re: Reservierung von Campingplätzen 02.10.2011 (10:58 Uhr) Unbekannt 
Please book in advance! A couple Mr. Eckart Schunk & Mrs. Maria-Elisabeth Schunk from Duesseldorf, have had problems with reservation companies and travel to Namibia with no reservation.They expect to find accommodation and try to find every small thing wrong with the lodge or campsite they visit. This is not a Holiday this is a trip to criticize every lodge and to make notes of what they wish to post on forums and to make every person in the hospitality industries day an unhappy one. Please keep in mind that the people in Namibia are kind people and if you need help they will always try to help. Every lodge has new people working for them who are trying their best and if you are too critical the persons will loose their jobs. There is a 51% unemployment rate in Namibia so try not to make poor people loose their jobs.

If you are on vacation try to keep in mind you are on Holiday and Namibia is full of adventure!
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Moskau: Ziegler & Partner GmbH, MGU, Vorob'evy gory, Tel./Fax +7-095-939-0980
Schweiz: Ziegler & Partner GmbH, Orzens 42, 1095 Lutry-Lausanne, Tel./Fax +41-21-791-3280
Zuletzt geändert am 14. August 2002. info@studyrussian.com