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44 User im System
Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

Die bewährte Blutdruck-App
 UControl support forum
Please tell me your opinion about the new UControl.
Is it difficult to use?
What would you do better?
Which features seemed not to work for you?
What are you missing?
Did you get strange error messages or crashes while using it?
Have you already recorded a war?
Where did you hear about the new release?

Tell me, whatever you'd like to tell me.

I only can improve UControl if I get some feedback. :)
 Re: What do you think about the UC #5.1 04.05.2002 (21:34) ][HF][SlaYeRmaXe
 Re: What do you think about the UC #5.1 04.05.2002 (21:38) ][HF][SlaYeRmaXe
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