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71 User im System
Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

 Forum für den Meinungsaustausch
 Der Dollar 10.03.2003 (20:58 Uhr) ichbinmotz
 Re: Der Dollar 15.03.2003 (15:50 Uhr) Unbekannt
 Censorship - is it true? 15.03.2003 (15:51 Uhr) Unbekannt
 Re: Censorship - is it true? 21.03.2003 (12:14 Uhr) Sándor
 Anti-War leaflet? 21.03.2003 (12:29 Uhr) Motz
 Re: Anti-War leaflet? 28.03.2003 (15:28 Uhr) D.J.
What would you do if the U.S wanted to invade your country? Do you fight? Do you protect yourself? Do you sit and let them take pieces out of you? Do you let them come in and install the `regime` that they choose? Do you leave the country (knowing they may invade where you move to at a later date)? Do you allow them to kill you or your family knowing that you are consciousness and will continue after death?

I personally know i wouldn`t want to kill another human but where do we draw the line? Is there a line?

Changing the leaders in this country for example to a Government chosen by the American Government doesn`t appeal to me. What if i figured that my consciousness would be perverted more by the new `installed government` that is taking control by force. Would i allow them entry or would i fight??
 BOYKOTT? 28.03.2003 (15:40 Uhr) Motz
 Beitrag im Online Standard 04.04.2003 (19:08 Uhr) Motz
 Euro ist 1,25 Dollar wert 31.12.2003 (16:41 Uhr) Motz
 Re: Euro ist 1,25 Dollar wert 31.12.2003 (18:42 Uhr) Lissy
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