Vielen Dank, Alice, dass du gepostet hast, was im Video passiert ist! Herzliche Grüße, Kinja

> > > Hallo
> > > Hab auch mal einen netten Link gefunden. Ich hoffe er
> > > gefäll euch.
> > >
> > > videos/ein-schuh-stoppt-die-achterbahn
> >
> > Würden Sie darüber nachdenken, eine kurze Zusammenfassung
> > des Videos zu schreiben? Es kann nicht außerhalb von
> > Deutschland angesehen werden und ich bin in den USA.
> > Danke,
> > Kinja
> Dear american friend,
> I will give you a short summary in English:
> It is a story about the roller coaster (called Big Loop)
> in Heidepark Soltau. It is a big amusement park, located
> in Soltau/Lower Saxony, Germany. You will find it on
> Wikipedia (Heide Park).
> The keeper tells, he has to go to the roller coaster
> because one guest has lost a shoe. He arrives there and
> you can see a girl (about 14 years of age) standing there
> without her right shoe. She tells that she wanted to
> handover her shoes to a friend before the roller coaster
> starts. She throws her shoes towards her friend. But one
> shoe felt over a small wall down into a trench. So she is
> standing there one shod (she wears a brown shoe with
> laces on the left foot but just a blue-white sock on the
> right foot).
> She has to explain her situation to the keeper.
> The keeper sees her predicament and tells her he would
> retrieve the shoe. He says to the poor girl: Otherwise
> you would have to walk around in one shoe today. And that
> wouldnt be a good choice for you.
> The Park Administration has to stop the roller coaster.
> The keeper looks for the lost shoe.
> The TV team interviews to one shoe girl and asked her how
> that happend. She tells her story while standing there
> one shod. She seems to be embarrased a bit.
> The keeper returns then to the girl and gives her the
> missing shoe. She takes back her shoe, takes it on and
> leaves quickly.
> Before she had to wait all the time on the small way
> (about 2 meter) between the wall and the rollercoaster.
> People are getting on/off the rollercoaster while she had
> to wait for the keeper arriving and than unless he found
> her shoe.
> So much for the story of a lost shoe in Heidepark Soltau.
> Bye from Germany
> yours
> Alice
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