Hello everyone,
this is my first post on this forum, so I will include a short intro.
I do not speak German and so I am using google translate. Or would you rather have me write in English?

I would like to thank everyone participating in this forum and especially the people writing about fasnet. The analysis posts and links to many different resources are very valuable. I have been a fan of fasnet for some time now, I did some of my own "analysis" of YouTube videos (maybe I can share some in a different post :) ).

And now for the main point. I am playing with the idea of attending the fasnet parades next year myself. The idea is to attend the "high action" events and parades and try to document everything with a video camera with the emphasis on what we would like to see in this forum :). Maybe even following certain witch groups who are known to be very "active". So I guess something similar to what FASNET.TV from YouTube does, so we can get more angles and more footage. However there are several problems:
1, I am not from the area (but I am in several hours driving distance)
2, I do not speak German
3, I do not know where to find info about what events happen when and where and if they are "high action" enough and which witch groups are the more active ones
4, I have no idea what the actual logistics of filming a parade are

And who better to ask help then people in this forum. Are you willing to help me plan this thing?
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