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Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

 DnD AG der GFR eV

Mit dem Player´s Guide für Kalamar ist noch im April mit zurechen.

Kingdoms of Kalamar Player's Guide

ISBN 1-889182-61-3
$24.99 (estimated)
Release date: April 2002

This is it. The definitive sourcebook for Dungeons and DragonsT and a must have for any player or DM. Set in the popular Kingdoms of KalamarT campaign setting, this book is loaded with new official Dungeons and DragonsT material including: five new variant classes, ten new prestige classes, over 70 new feats, new weapons, new armor, new combat options, new clerical domains, new spells and a new class of spells: scalable spells. Also included is more detailed information about the world of Tellene, its races, classes and politics that will allow Dungeons and DragonsT players to create a unique character that matches their unique vision. Additionally, D&DT Dungeon Masters will have a plethora of information at their fingertips with which to customize any campaign world. An abundant source of official Dungeons and DragonsT material of the high quality you have come to expect from Kenzer and Company, this is one product you do not want to miss.
Leider hat das mit dem Players Guide länger gedauert, aber dafür macht er einen guten Eindruck. Was und wieviel in die AG übernommen wird, wird in der nächsten Zeit noch Kund getan.


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