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Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

 Forum für den Meinungsaustausch

 Lottery? 18.01.2003 (12:42 Uhr) ichbinmotz
 Re: Lottery? 29.01.2003 (12:34 Uhr) Unbekannt
> Today I saw a lottery advertisment. Depicted was a woman
> from cleaning personel with a happy smile. I thought that
> this ad was quite cynical because the target group of
> lottery games seem to be those who have no money, but a
> strong desire (or the illusion to get rich fast) for it.
> So it is the poorest of the poorest who are taken
> advantage of. No rich man or women would ever play
> lottery because it is unnecessary for him. They may even
> laugh about it.

Well, everybody wants to be rich and famous. At least rich. To not have to worry about money issues. I think the wealthy ones only laugh about such ads because they've already got money. Don't you think that they'd too would try to win money if they suddenly lost it?

 Re: Lottery? 29.01.2003 (15:40 Uhr) motz
 Re: Lottery? 01.02.2003 (17:22 Uhr) Unbekannt
 Re: Lottery? 03.02.2003 (13:21 Uhr) motz
 Re: Lottery? 06.02.2003 (12:23 Uhr) Unbekannt

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