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(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

 m.Edge's diary

 03212003 22.03.2003 (14:43 Uhr) m.Edge
Yesterday we performed at the Devil 8 club in Altomünster. The crowd was a minimized school class - about 20 people. We started to play and after half an hour we changed with the guys of Lost Rose. I felt like it has been the worst performance ever, due to my sobriety. The second time we stepped on stage was even worse. We lost at play for about 3 songs. But nevertheless the owner of the shed ask us to play again - today. No problem - except the lack of musicians: Nailhead went snow-boarding this morning and Oddball isn't available, too. In addition I have the worst cold I ever had.
But I think we wouldn't be Nail In The Back, if we couldn't survive that little disaster. So I hope to see many of you tonight. Nobe and me, we will do our best to fucking rock you.


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