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Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

 UControl support forum

 Suggested Feature 03.01.2002 (00:36) Lots{AH}elp
How about being able to report what server is being reported to the irc channel. Also reporting in a nice table format instead of just jumbled together.

 Re: Suggested Feature 03.01.2002 (07:29) path
> How about being able to report what server is being
> reported to the irc channel. Also reporting in a nice
> table format instead of just jumbled together.
> Thanks

I will mention those two for the next release.
I had made a server announcement already but then dropped it again.
Table format in irc is quite hard.
Cause it depends on the font type the users have chosen.

But as I told you, I'll keep any suggestions in my mind and try to make them become true.

Thx, Path
 Re: Suggested Feature 04.01.2002 (04:48) Lots{AH}elp
Another suggestion is suppport for CTF games. I don't see any reporting for flag caps. Thanks again.
 Re: Suggested Feature 04.01.2002 (09:45) path
> Another suggestion is suppport for CTF games. I don't see
> any reporting for flag caps. Thanks again.

Yes, I already mentioned this.
It will come in the next release of UControl.

(I'm more on DM so please forgive me the little CTF, DOM, etc. support. I'll take more care from now on, I promise)

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