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(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

 Überleben für Strassenkinder 08.03.2003 (14:37 Uhr) bljambo
Ein Beitrag des Initiators:


Survival For Streetkids is an N.G.O based at Diani Beach, Kenya which supports orphaned and semi-orphaned street children and also kids found at garbage heaps or in the bushes. Presently we are operating between UKUNDA and DZOMBO at the border to Tanzania at the Kenyan South Coast and are taking care of 27 children.

Our target groups are: children without parents or just a single parent who are already housed and fed by a community or a church group etc., from the age of 5 to 18 years. Thus we try to remind the members of communities and other groups of their own responsibility towards these destitute children.

Our objectives are: clothing and schooling these children,
                                       paying for school materials and
                                       for medical services, and
                                       helping out with food, when the single
                                       parent is jobless.

        The funding is done through donations and fundraising actions such as selling Lemongrass Tea - which is donated to S.F.S . by its director Günter Godor -  to tourists etc., the hotels and other institutions. We also have a sister NGO in Germany called ÜBERLEBEN FÜR STRAßENKINDER  helping us with donations of its members.
For further information
please contact in Kenya:

Günter Godor
P.O Box 1235 Ukunda
Tel: 0733/804801

In Germany:
Günter Godor, Konrad Engelhardtstr. 11, 82131 Gauting.
Tel. 089/8503696. Fax. 089/8503695.
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