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32 User im System
Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

 FORMOSA WACHOLDER 25.01.2001 (12:53 Uhr) Daniel
 Re: FORMOSA WACHOLDER 26.01.2001 (23:22 Uhr) Peter Quabeck
Hallo, ich hab leider keine Erfahrung mit diesem Juniperus. Aber ich hab dir was aus dem Net
gesucht. Vielleicht kommst du damit weiter. Gruß Peter von

The Formosa Juniper or Juniperus formosana is often found growing in the mountains of China, Tibet and Taiwan at an altitude of 1300 to 1400 meters. It is usually a multi-stemmed tree with spreading branches and pendulous branchlets. The bark is deep brown and exfoliates in thin strips. The selection we grow makes a great addition to the landscape due to its nice weeping habit. It will grow to 8-15 meters or sometimes higher and often multi-stemmed, secondary branches are pendulous, dark brown exfoliating bark, similar to J. rigida 'Pendula' but needles are softer and habit is much more columnar. A twelve year old plant is about 8 feet high and 2-3 feet wide. In cultivation since 1844. Quite rare!!
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