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66 User im System
Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

 UControl support forum

> Isn't it possible to show more "Server Info"?
> Like when you hit F2 in the game

I've tried to query any value from the UT server to get more query statements but after a couple of hours (or days?) of trying I gave up. I will post the list of values, that I could figure out by testing, on a small "tech page" soon. Perhaps it will help other developers, too.
The official documentation on this is really few.

>.... Also I thought to show the
> "chat window" (from in a game; like who kills who with
> what, who says what, ...) or is that (rather) impossible?

It's really almost impossible (for me) except if I would (or better "could", because I surely would, if only I could... kinda confusing!)
a) write a server side script like the mavericks irc reporter bot which runs as a mutator on the game server or b) develope a client that acts as a spectator player and joins the server as if you would do when you chose "Play as Spectator" in UT. Surely it should be possible - but I have no idea of the way the whole UT networking works. If someone out there knows it as if it was the back of his own hand then please let me know.

> BTW, this program is really good, all my friends use it
> now. Good work!!!

Hehe, I like to hear that :))) Thank you!

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