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 m.Edge's diary

 Rehearsal 15.11.2003 (16:15 Uhr) m.Edge
The last rehearsal was g-r-e-a-t. Even if we were three instead of the full five-fuckers posse, some new ideas for the live show could be realized. I am excited about the next show on Thursday and I hope you will enjoy the theatre.
God bless you all.
 Next step 08.10.2003 (23:20 Uhr) m.Edge
Yeah baby, yeah. The CD with all the new stuff is almost ready for publication. Some tuning will be done, but the main thing is forged. We also created a special look for the upcoming performance. I am excited about what is coming next.
 Suicidal Activities 22.07.2003 (16:42 Uhr) m.Edge
There are no great news. The only good thing is, that we recorded some fine tracks for the CD (only new stuff!).
The rest would cause suicidal activities.
 New raw material 20.06.2003 (14:55 Uhr) m.Edge
The last days, we recorded some new stuff at Nailhead's and Matrix's/my studio. It is just the raw material for four new songs, but it already sounds pretty good. The style may have changed a little bit, but the new progressive sound is even more worth then the old stuff.
We also had a little stressed photo-session. The pictures are not really good, but we decided to post them, due to the lack of visual performance on the web.

The next songs will be recorded soon.
 Fireplace, when the light is low. 11.05.2003 (15:00 Uhr) m.Edge
This Friday, Saz' girlfriend had her birthdayparty. Nailhead and me we played some unplugged fireplace songs. It's been a great time, but I couldn't sleep until 9.ooh in the morning. And I am still fatiqued, but I'll start writing some lyrics now.
God bless you

 Back Again 25.04.2003 (00:18 Uhr) m.Edge
Back from Italy and one hour of traffic-jam I am so fucking tired, I could fall off my fucking chair. I had three days of sun, sleep, beer and wine, finest fares and relaxing. But now I have to get back to work. During this time of work-shutting I had some good ideas for great songs and concepts, which will be used for the next period of songwriting. Perhaps we can finish the EP this weekend. I would be the best fed guy around here.
May God bless you all.

 Recording session 19.04.2003 (13:02 Uhr) m.Edge
On Thursday we continued our recordings for the EP. We did three songs which were 'Dignity', 'Suicide Song' and 'Little Girl'. In contrast to the previous sessions, this one was the most productiv ever. Six hours for three songs are fatiguing and several zigaretts later we managed to record some high-quality-first-class songs.
On Sunday will be the last possibility to train our brains to the max. And we're still searching for a name for 'the one who controls the machines'. But I guess, that will be past on Monday.

 A night with the angles 15.04.2003 (15:43 Uhr) m.Edge
...what a fucking good night. I was chillin' with Saz, my girlfriend and my brother. Grilled chincken wings, whiskey and liquor, dope and waterpipe. Nothing was left. We sat outside of the house until three or four o'clock in the morning. Today I had to regenerate myself by sleeping till lunchtime.
This week, we will try to finish the recordings for the EP, but I'm not sure. The recordings last and last and it doesn't seem that theres an end coming.

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 supplement 14.04.2003 (16:42 Uhr) m.Edge
Yesterday I went waching 'Dreamcatcher' with my girlfriend. Good film, but not that great than I expected. That day I was so fucking drunk due to the party on Saturday. Fuck me.
Today I am cleaning our studio and working on the website. The great weather makes it hard, but I think I'll finish everything I have to do.
For Oddball leaving the band, there are some words to say.
I am very glad that this leaving was one without any anger. Odd smiled at us while telling us the news. Sure, I (and I think all of the members)was shocked, but by overthinking that it might be the best for him, if he couldn't feel well anymore, it is the best solution.
 Working and Leaving 12.04.2003 (19:28 Uhr) m.Edge
I am so glad, that the new design works and I think it looks really great. We are hardly searching for a name for our new synthesizer-killer-machine, but it isn't that easy.
Today we practised and improved our songs and Odd left...

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