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(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

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 Unreal Talk - Forum

 Stats!! 20.06.2000 Dad (Antworten: 6)
 Re: Stats!! 20.06.2000 <PSY>choPATH
 Re: Scheiss auf die Stats!! 20.06.2000 Dad
 yeah whats wrong?? 20.06.2000 Unbekannt
im wondering taht you all are looking at the stats...they suck,even if they lock...if you want to raise in the stats,,,just search an man with stats under the 1000 and then go on an server where he plays....ffrag him one or two times..leave the server..do this 5 times every day....and if you manage to frag 5 or 6 times and leave the server without an death...you will raiuse like hell ind two weeks.......why do you think, someone like§FS§Payday, or dayx doesnt evenhave an account?...HM?----you are good enough alle togeter.....i played with you yesterday,,,just forget the stats:-)...you can frag without them!

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