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19 User im System
Rekord: 483
(01.04.2024, 01:34 Uhr)

 Forum für den Meinungsaustausch
 Lottery? 18.01.2003 (12:42 Uhr) ichbinmotz
 Re: Lottery? 29.01.2003 (12:34 Uhr) Unbekannt
 Re: Lottery? 29.01.2003 (15:40 Uhr) motz
> Well, everybody wants to be rich and famous. At least
> rich. To not have to worry about money issues. I think
> the wealthy ones only laugh about such ads because
> they've already got money. Don't you think that they'd
> too would try to win money if they suddenly lost it?
> felicia

You are absolutely right.

The fact that bothers me is that marketing is pulling the last money out of those who already have less by "promising" them huge amounts of money in case they win.

I worked for such a company once and was told that they indeed give away trips into the Carribean, but that occurs once in two years or so. It is only a method of seducing people to spend their money, give their adresses or emailadresses, etc.

Lately, in Budapest, a couple won 13 Million Euros. That money was supposed to be devided between the winners in case that there will be no one that wins the jackpot. I was considering to play too but droped the idea, because I did not have a plan to spend such an amount of money intelligently. So I decided not to play. And I did not regret it...

 Re: Lottery? 01.02.2003 (17:22 Uhr) Unbekannt
 Re: Lottery? 03.02.2003 (13:21 Uhr) motz
 Re: Lottery? 06.02.2003 (12:23 Uhr) Unbekannt
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